The interview is an oral examination of candidates for employment. No selection process is complete without one or more interviews. Interview is the most common and core method of both obtaining information from job-seekers, and decision-making on their suitability or otherwise. 

Organizations may seek to make their selection process as objective as possible. But interview which is an essential element of the process, by and large still remains subjective. 

Interviews usually take place at two crucial stages in the selection process, i.e., at the beginning and in the end. Interviews can differ in terms of their focus and format. Usually several individuals interview one applicant. This is called panel interview. Such panels usually consist of representatives from-personnel and concerned operating units/line functions. In this method, usually, applicants get screened from one stage to another, at least in the intial stages. 

The interviews can be structured or unstructured general or in-depth. Some times where the job requires the job holder to remain claim and composed under pressure, the candidates are intentionally objected to stress and strains in the interview by asking some annoying or embarrassing questions

This type of interview called the stress interview. Interviewing is both an art and a science. The effectiveness of the interview as a screening device can be improved by taking care of certain aspects like the following : 

  • The interview should be based on a checklist of what to look forin a candidate. Such a checklist could be based on proper job analysis. Each critical attribute which the interview seeks toevaluate may be assigned a specific weightage. It is desirable to prepare a specific set of guidelines for the interview.

  • The interviewers need to trained to evaluate performance in the interview objectively. Also, all interviewers need to develop common understanding about the criteria measures, their purposes and weightages. 

  • The interviewers may use past behavior to predict future behaviors and obtain additional information to attempt suchlinkages more meaningfully. 

  • There should be proper coordination between the initial and succeeding interviews.The interview (even stress interview) should be conducted in related physical setting. 



The background investigation in selection process may include verification of reference from past teachers, employers or public men; pulic men; police verification; and, medical examination. Background verification is sought to guard oneself against possible falsification by applicant. But given the acute skill shortages and competitive pirating strategies of employers it is possible for some of them to give clean chit to those whom they wish to get rid of and be unfair to those whom they are not prepared to lose. There fore, employers in-private sector generally find that they get more accurate information when they track the actual past performance than when they merely ask for references reflecting opinion about the candidate.  

Medical and physical examinations are usually resorted to by employers as part of the selection process mainly to :  

(a) determine whether the applicant has the physical ability to carry on the duties arid responsibilities effectively; ascertain whether the applicant has a  record of health problems, which can potentially affect his behavior and performance.

 (b) know whether the applicant is more sensitive to certainaspects of work-place environment such as chemicals.

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